Tuesday 23 August 2016

Bob Marley on Living Your Love

“Love the life you live. Live the life you love.” ~ Bob Marley
Here’s a classic Bob Marley quote that sums it up really eloquently. Live the life you love, and love the life you live. If you follow both of these steps you’ll be able to wake up each morning with a big smile on your face and you’ll know that you’re in line with the larger you, the one that is the still small voice inside that guides you were to go. If you’ve spent too long ignoring that voice spending time doing things that you don’t enjoy, or living a life that you’re not in love with, it’s time for a change.
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Charles Swindoll on Responding to Life

“Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.” ~ Charles Swindoll
This is an important quote to remember whenever that you think life is against you. Life presents you with neutral experiences and it’s you that makes them positive and negative. Don’t get into the mentality that life is against you and is only providing you things that are bad, you have to realize that you’ve gotten into the habit of making neutral things bad in your own mind and responding to them in a negative way. Change the way you perceive what is happening and you can respond better and have better experiences.
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Marilyn Monroe on Smiling About a Beautiful Life

“Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.” ~ Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe really got it right with this quote on life. It is beautiful and there are a ton of things to smile about. It’s so easy to forget this during tough time or when things aren’t going the way we want them to. If you haven’t smiled about something in a long time, take a moment to think of something that you can smile about in your life. There is so much to choose from that you might have trouble coming up with just one, but that’s perfectly okay.
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. Mae West Invents YOLO

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” ~ Mae West
With the recent YOLO craze going on it’s amazing that more people don’t bring up this quote. Once is enough if you do it the right way, and that includes seeing all the places you want to see, falling in love, and reaching some major goals in your life. Once you have achieved plenty of the things that you’ve set out for yourself, you’ll start to see YOLO as a positive thing rather than something to get down about.
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 Churchill on How to Live Life

“Keep calm and carry on.” ~ Winston Churchill
This quote may not have come directly from Winston Churchill, but it’s often attributed to him, and seems like the sort of thing he’d say. It was actually part of a campaign to keep the spirits of the British people up during wartime. It does say a lot about life though, and how to simply keep calm and get on with your life rather than freaking out about the state of things. When you make decisions and live your life out of a state of calm, good things are bound to happen.
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John Lennon Know What Life Really Is

“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” ~ John Lennon
Lennon may not have been the first person to ever put these words together, but he’s the one that put the lyric in a song and now it’s one of the most popular quotes on love of all time. Lennon wrote so many poignant lyrics that he ends up on many of our quote lists here and on other quote sites. It’s amazing that one person can come up with so many good quotes, and have such a keen view of life that speaks to so many people, whether or not they’re fans of the Beatles. Try not to make too many plans for the future today and take time to enjoy life.

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 Seneca on the Quality of Life

Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing.” ~ Seneca
Big deal if you live 100 years and don’t actually do anything during that time. It’s better to live 20 years packed full of things that make life worth living. So don’t worry about the years that have gone by, worry about filling your remaining years with so many fun things that you simply can’t stand it. They don’t have to be really exotic things either, you can enjoy all of your life moments no matter what it is you’re doing or where you are. So regardless of what is you’re doing, be sure to do it well and don’t worry about how long you’ll live.
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